Subsidies for companies

If you are a small or medium-sized enterprise or self-employed person? (hereinafter referred to as "MSP") and you are considering photovoltaics

Through the new national project SIEA Green for bussines, you will be able to receive a grant of up to 70,000 euros for the preparation of an energy audit and the installation of suitable equipment for the use of renewable energy sources primarily for self-consumption.

The subsidy will be able to cover up to 45% of eligible costs, while the basic aid intensity is 35%, with the possibility of a bonus of 5% (if at least 90% of the produced energy will be consumed by the applicant) and another 5% for devices with minimal air pollution.

The SME will be able to apply in one application for the issuance of a support voucher for all supported types of equipment, or it can submit multiple applications up to the maximum amount of aid. Support for the preparation of a purpose-built energy audit will be provided in the amount of 45% of the total authorized expenses for the preparation of the audit, but no more than 2,500 euros. (What exactly the purpose audit should contain will be specified in the guidelines that SIEA will publish in advance)

You will be able to get the subsidy for:

  • photovoltaic systems,
  • solar collectors (for heating hot water or heating),
  • heat pumps,
  • wind turbines.

In addition to photovoltaic panels, you can draw the contribution on other system components such as:
energy storage device (i.e. batteries),
• intelligent production and consumption management system (i.e. inverter and other electronics),
• operating meter and auxiliary energy meter.

Preference will be given to devices producing energy for the company's own consumption.

Energy audit

Since the aim of the subsidies is to reduce the energy demand of businesses and improve the environment, you will have to have an energy audit processed. You will have to attach it to each grant application.
A subsidy can also be obtained for an energy audit, but expect that the subsidy for the audit will be included in the total limit.
Support will be given to small and medium-sized enterprises and self-employed people



(hlavné kritérium)

Ročný obrat

Celková ročná bilančná
suma (hodnota aktív, vedľajšie kritérium)


menej ako 10

do 2 mil. € vrátane

do 2 mil. € vrátane

Malý podnik

10 – 49

do 10 mil. € vrátane

do 10 mil. € vrátane

Stredný podnik

50 – 249

do 50. mil € vrátane

do 43 mil. € vrátane

You fall into the given category if you meet the main criterion of the number of employees and at least one secondary criterion. You must take into account the data from the financial statements for the last accounting period, you must calculate the turnover without VAT and other indirect taxes.
You will be able to apply in every region of Slovakia and regardless of industry.
The program will work on a simple principle of vouchers
• you choose the contractor yourself and he will not have to be listed, but he will have to be authorized to do business in the given area and have the necessary certificates
• SIEA will issue the voucher directly to you, but it will only be reimbursed to you when you complete the project and pay the contractor,
• from the issuance of the voucher, the period for implementation will be 6 months, in the same period, a request for reimbursement of the voucher must be submitted.
• an energy audit must be part of the application, a building permit or project documentation is not required.


• Maximum contribution amount per installed kW (economical verification) with/without accumulation.
• Equipment for the production of electricity – limitation of installed power to 250 kW.
• The maximum contribution per SME will be EUR 70,000
• Costs for the entire project = EUR 155,556

How it's supposed to work

The whole process of getting support should work in 4 steps:
1. APPLICANT: Development of an energy audit + submission of an application for a voucher
2. SIEA: Verification of fulfillment of the conditions + signing the contract and issuing the voucher
3. APPLICANT: Installation of the device + submission of a request for reimbursement of the voucher, both completed within 6 months from the signing of the contract
4. SIEA: Verification of fulfillment of the conditions, including assessment of the real amount of costs for implementation + reimbursement of the voucher

The request for a voucher must include:
Energy audit
• Declaration of the SME on receipt of aid for the last 3 fiscal years (minimum aid)
• Declaration on the qualification of the enterprise as an SME