General Terms And Conditions

The general terms and conditions govern the rights and obligations between the seller Hybrid House s.r.o., Mýtna
50 811 07 Bratislava - Old Town district, Slovak Republic, ID number 54460018, DIČ2121688976, ID number
DPHSK 2121688976, entered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Bratislava I District Court, Department: Sro,
insert no. 159400/B and the buyer, which result from the contract concluded between HYBRIDHOUSE s.r.o. how
sellers, and customers as buyers through the online store located on the website named "
HYBRIDHOUSE". The online store is operated by the same person as the seller.
By concluding a contract with the seller, you accept the General Terms and Conditions and
Return policy.

                                                     Art. 1
Introductory provisions
1. The purpose of the General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "T&C") is to create a legal framework for relations
between the seller and the buyer, in order to ensure that customers are informed about the conditions
provided goods.
2. The seller is Hybrid House s.r.o., Mýtna 50 811 07 Bratislava - Staré Mesto district, Slovakia
republic, IČO54460018, DIČ2121688976, IČDPHSK2121688976, entered in the Commercial Register
conducted by the Bratislava I District Court, Department: Sro, insert no. 159400/B (hereinafter referred to as "the seller").
3. The seller operates an online store (hereinafter referred to as the "e-shop") on the "HYBRIDHOUSE" website, mainly in
areas of sale of alcoholic beverages, non-alcoholic beverages, gift packages and other goods.
4. A buyer is any e-shop visitor who has created a binding order through the e-shop.
For the purposes of the act, especially act no. 102/2014 Coll. consumer means a natural person who
concluding and fulfilling a consumer contract not within the scope of their business activity,
employment or occupation.
5. An e-shop is a computer system located on the Internet with public access, which enables
remote ordering of goods and services via electronic equipment.
6. Goods or services are all products published on the e-shop pages that can be ordered
(they have a listed price and not zeros).
7. The buyer fully accepts electronic communication, especially through the e-shop, e-mail
communication as well as telephone communication, as long as it is indisputable that the performer communicates with
by the buyer or a person authorized by him.
8. On the relationship between the seller and the buyer, which was created otherwise than through electronic means
remote device and is not a relationship between an information society service provider and
to recipients of information society services, these general terms and conditions apply only in
to the necessary extent, which corresponds to the first regulations and the logical arrangement of the matter, as long as
nothing else was agreed between them.
9. The reservation request represents the first non-binding and time-limited reservation of a certain
available goods (i.e. which are "in stock") from the seller's current offer published on
pages of his e-shop, with the option of collection and payment exclusively in person at the point of sale, pri
which does not reach the order age and the buyer thereby does not undertake to buy or take over in any other way
reserved goods, if the mode of transport is chosen "in person at the store - reservation".
goods ". The reservation request can be made repeatedly. Free of charge before and after
the goods reserved in this way for the buyer will be kept at the point of sale for a limited time without
accepted the request for a reservation (it does not lead to negotiation or closing the deal), which
provides the buyer with the opportunity to reduce the purchase of reserved goods. The buyer is authorized to apply for
cancel the reservation at any time. The provider is entitled to cancel the reservation request if it is not
able to secure or hold reserved goods for the buyer at the point of sale. K from nowhere
reservations expire automatically after a short period of time. The entire store (incl
execution of the first from the prison n litter for the purchase of reserved goods by the buyer, its acceptance
(i.e., payment and collection of reserved goods) is carried out exclusively in person, at
point of sale (in the so-called "stone store"). For the business, the basis of which was the request for
reservation, these terms and conditions do not apply, as it is made in person at
point of sale.

10. The contractual relationship is primarily governed by the relevant provisions of Act No. 102/2014 Coll. about
consumer protection when selling goods or providing services based on a contract concluded on
distance or a contract concluded outside the seller's premises and on amendments and additions
of certain laws (hereinafter referred to as "the law"), by law no. 40/1964 Coll. Civil Code as amended
later regulations and these terms and conditions governing the details of their conclusion
and implementation. If the buyer is a consumer, relations not regulated by GTC are governed by Act no. 40/1964 Coll.
Civil Code, Act no. 102 /2014 Coll. on consumer protection when selling goods or
provision of services on the basis of a contract concluded at a distance or a contract concluded outside
of the seller's premises and on amendments to certain laws and Act no. 250/
2007 Z. z. on consumer protection.
11. The phone number published in the mobile application of the e-shop is considered to be the contact for the seller.
12. The e-mail address published in the e-shop mobile application is also considered to be the contact for the seller.
13. All shipments addressed to the seller within the scope of the GTC are sent to the company's headquarters:
Hybrid House s.r.o.
Mýtna 50 811 07 Bratislava - Old Town district
Slovak Republic
14. Invoicing data of the company:
                                                               Art. 2
Closing of the contract
1. The concluded contractual relationship between the seller and the buyer is purchase or otherwise
an individually negotiated contract, of which the claim form is an integral part
order, which is published in the mobile application of the e-shop.
2. The contract is considered concluded at the moment of confirmation of acceptance of the order (no
confirmation of receipt of the order for processing) by the seller.
3. By making a purchase with the seller, the buyer expresses his irrevocable consent to
GTC and RP.
4. By concluding the contract, the seller undertakes to provide the buyer with the goods in
the agreed quantity and quality, while the seller simultaneously has the right to demand
payment of the agreed price from the buyer.
Hybrid House s.r.o.
Toll booth 50
811 07 Bratislava - city part
Old Town
Slovak republic
ID number 54460018
VAT number 2121688976
IČ DPHSK 2121688976

5. Contract means not only a document in written form under this name, but also
any mutually confirmed proposals between the buyer and the seller


                                                           Art. 3
Purchase of goods and price
1. The price listed in the e-shop is final, including value added tax, if not
stated otherwise.
2. In the event that the requested goods are not available, the seller may on the basis
individual agreement and availability of goods at external suppliers and warehouses, for
the client to order the goods. The client acknowledges that the delivery period in this case
does not depend on the seller.
3. The prices listed on the e-shop are valid at the time the order is sent.
4. By sending the order, the buyer agrees to the price of the ordered goods and services a
the order becomes binding with the obligation of payment.
5. Confirmation of the order by the seller (not by accepting the order on
processing) a purchase contract is created, which can be changed, canceled or supplemented only on
on the basis of a mutual agreement between the buyer and the seller, if the law or other legal
the regulation does not provide otherwise.
6. The invoice issued on the basis of the sales contract between the seller and the buyer is
at the same time, a tax document that can also be used for the purposes of the complaints procedure.
The complaint procedure is published separately on the seller's e-shop.
7. It is automatically sent to the buyer after creating a binding order in the e-shop
generated e-mail confirming delivery of orders. This email is not
by confirming the order of goods.
8. Confirmation of the received order is a separate e-mail with confirmation of the order, which
is delivered to the buyer after checking the availability of stock of the ordered goods.
9. A tax document is included with each shipment. In the event that you were not taxed
document delivered together with the shipment, contact us immediately by phone or e-mail.


                                                    Art. 4
Ordering goods and concluding a contract
1. The seller informs the buyer about the shipment of the goods by electronic mail (e-mail)
at the e-mail address that the buyer specified in the electronic order.
2. The buyer is responsible for the authenticity of the information provided. For providing faulty
the buyer is equally responsible for the payment data. The seller is not responsible for the damage
and the delay in the delivery of the order, which is caused by the provision of incorrect /
false data when ordering. The buyer is obliged in case of discovery of an error in
the entered information to immediately contact the seller who these
will remove the discrepancies. If the buyer does not make these changes before the handover time
shipments to the carrier, increased transport costs are borne by the buyer, if not agreed
otherwise. This fact is not a reason to withdraw from the concluded contract.


                                                       Art. 5
                                  Transport and delivery conditions

1. The goods are dispatched in the shortest possible time according to the seller's capacity and availability
2. Goods in stock are sent in most cases within 3 working days from the date
confirmation of the order by the seller.
3. If the goods are in stock, there will be an order marked "In stock" next to the goods
usually sent to the buyer within 24 hours, from the moment of receipt of the confirmation
orders, while dispatch means handing over the goods for dispatch
via the chosen transport. The date of delivery of the goods to the buyer depends on
taking over the registered shipment by the buyer. In the case of an order of more than 1 pc
We do not guarantee immediate availability of a product for which we have a stated availability in stock
availability of all ordered pieces. We only guarantee the availability of 1 piece in stock. ABOUT
the buyer will be informed of the availability of the products in a confirmation e-mail. Time
delivery should not exceed 21 working days.
4. In case of interest in currently unavailable goods, or even goods that are not available
seller in the offer, it is possible to send an informational email (not an order) to the email
the address of the seller, who, according to his possibilities, will determine the possibility of delivery of the chosen item
5. In the event that delivery deadlines are extended, the seller is obligated to the buyer
to inform about this fact without delay. In case the buyer does not agree with
by extending the deadline for delivery, may withdraw from the contract.
6. The cost of packaging, transport and
transfer. These are calculated only in the Shipping section when filling out the order. These costs
are added to the order price only in the Delivery and payment method section, based on
data entered in the previous section Delivery address.
7. Postage within the territory of the Slovak Republic and to countries outside the territory of the Slovak Republic
of the Republic is charged and paid by the buyer, regardless of the amount of the order, if it is not
stated otherwise, especially in the case of promotions and discounts on transport according to specific ones
individual conditions valid at the time of the order.
8. The cost of postage for the goods will be calculated for the customer at the time of order depending on
choosing the method of transport or collection of goods.
9. The customer is obliged to wait for notification in any mode of transport
the seller that the goods are ready for collection. In the case of delivery to the address will be
the customer contacted by the shipping company through which the shipment will be made
10. Ownership of the goods passes to the Buyer upon receipt and payment
purchase price.
11. When taking over the goods, the buyer is obliged to check whether the packaging in which the goods are packed,
it is not damaged and sign the document about receiving the shipment. In case of its damage
it is necessary to write a report on detected defects with the carrier at the place of delivery of the goods
caused during transport. If the buyer accepts the goods despite the obvious
damage to the packaging, the seller will not accept any later complaints for this reason.
12. In case the buyer discovers any discrepancy between the purchase document (invoice) a
purchased goods (in kind or quantity), or if the buyer did not receive the
with the purchased goods, a correctly completed proof of purchase is required immediately, but at the latest
inform the seller of this fact within 24 hours after receiving the shipment
(by telephone or e-mail communication). This notice is required by the buyer
to be carried out in the case when a financial difference is found in favor as well as against
the buyer. In case of concealment of this information, the buyer is responsible for
incurred damage

13. The buyer's personal data necessary for the delivery of the goods will be provided to the carrier -
to a third party exclusively for the purpose of delivering the goods.

                                                    Art. 6
Terms of payment
1. It is possible to pay for the ordered goods online - by payment through the established
payment gateway.

                                                      Art. 7
                                            Order Cancellation

1. The seller reserves the right to cancel the order in the following cases:
a. in case of incomplete or incorrect filling of the order form,
b. if due to sell-out or non-delivery of the goods to the supplier, he cannot
the seller delivers the ordered goods to the buyer within the period specified in the GTC,
c. if the goods are no longer manufactured or supplied or are unavailable for a long time or
the price at the supplier of the goods has changed significantly. In case this
situation occurs, the seller will immediately contact the buyer for the purpose
agreements on further action. In case the buyer has already paid part or all
amount of the purchase price, this amount will be paid to him without undue delay, but at the latest
within 14 days from the date of discovery of the above facts by the seller,
2. In the cases mentioned in paragraph 1 of this article of the GTC, the seller can cancel only a part
order, as long as delivery of the remaining part of the order is possible.

                                               Art. 8

Circumstances excluding liability for impossibility of performance
1. None of the contracting parties is responsible for the impossibility of performance in the event that
events occur due to force majeure.
2. An event due to force majeure is considered to be an event beyond the control of the contracting parties
foresee, and which they could not prevent even with the highest possible professional effort
care that is independent of their will, especially war, rebellion, strike, natural
disasters, epidemiological situation, changes in legislation and others.
3. In the event that an event occurs according to point 2 of this article, the contracting parties are obliged to
report these facts without undue delay.

                                              Art. 9
Withdrawal from the contract by the buyer
1. The buyer, who is a consumer, is entitled to withdraw from the concluded contract in
pursuant to the provisions of § 7 of the Act on Consumer Protection in the Sale of Goods or
provision of services on the basis of a contract concluded at a distance or a contract concluded
outside the seller's premises and about the amendment of some
of laws (Act No. 102/2014 Coll.). The buyer has the right from the contract concluded in this way
withdraw without giving a reason within 14 calendar days from the day of delivery of the goods.
2. In case of withdrawal from the contract in accordance with par. 1, it is necessary that it be within the specified period (14
calendar days) sent a manually signed Form for withdrawing from the contract
(by mail or electronically to In the event that the buyer this

omission, the seller is not obliged to accept such returned goods. Form on
withdrawal from the contract can be sent together with the goods that are the subject of the contract
for resignation or separately. A sample withdrawal form is available
on the last page of the GTC.
3. The consumer is obliged to send the goods no later than 14 days from the date of withdrawal from the contract
back or hand it over to the seller or a person authorized by the seller to
taking over the goods. The goods must be returned with complete documentation, undamaged,
if possible, including the original packaging, in the condition and value in which he received the goods.
4. If the goods are returned incomplete or damaged, the seller can
demand from the buyer an amount corresponding to the decrease in the value of the goods in accordance with §10
para. 4 of the Act on Consumer Protection when selling goods or providing services to
on the basis of a contract concluded at a distance or a contract concluded outside of operational areas
the seller's premises and on the amendment of certain laws.
5. The seller is obliged without undue delay, no later than 14 days from the date of the Form
to withdraw from the contract, return to the consumer all payments received from him on
based on or in connection with the contract, including the costs of transport, delivery and
postage and other costs and fees. In the case of payment via payment card, it is possible
extend this period, due to the different procedure of each bank for return
funds when paying by card. We ask you to take a look

account statement, as some banks do not inform about returned financial statements
means, such as payment delivered to the account. The payment will only appear in the statement. This one
we cannot influence the banks' progress.
6. The buyer acknowledges that the incurred financial costs for withdrawing from the contract
and returning the goods (sending the document, postage for returning the shipment), borne by the consumer /
7. In the event that the consumer does not fulfill his obligation and the goods within the specified time
does not return to the seller, thereby causing damage to the seller, the seller is entitled
recover the resulting damage from the buyer, including through court proceedings.
8. The consumer cannot withdraw from the contract in case of facts, (1) which exclude
withdrawal from the contract, of which the consumer has been explicitly notified in advance; (2) v
in the case of the sale of goods made according to the special requirements of the consumer, (3)
custom-made goods or goods intended specifically for one consumer,
(4) when selling goods enclosed in protective packaging, which are not suitable for return for a reason
health protection, (5) in case of damaged protective packaging after delivery, (6) during sale
goods, the price of which was agreed at the time of the conclusion of the contract, while their delivery is
can be carried out after 30 days at the earliest and their price depends on the movement of prices on the market, which
the seller cannot influence , and (6) in separately negotiated cases with


                                                 Art. 10
                         Withdrawal from the contract by the seller

1. The seller is entitled to withdraw from the contract for the following reasons: a. selling out of stocks, b. unavailability of goods, c. interruption of production by the supplier of the goods, d. if there were changes that made it impossible for the seller to fulfill the contract concluded with the buyer, even when making all the efforts that can be fairly required of the seller.

                                                     Art. 11
Final provisions
1. GTC shall enter into force and effect on November 1, 2022.
2. If the contracting parties do not agree otherwise in writing, their contractual relations are governed
provisions of the General Terms and Conditions valid and effective at the time of the conclusion of the contract.
3. GTC and legal relations arising on their basis are governed by the legal order of the Slovak Republic.
4. Supervisory authority over the activity of the Seller: SOI supervisory authority for Bratislava region
is the SOI Inspectorate for the Bratislava region, in Bratislava. In case of disputes,
the contracting parties have agreed to try to reach an amicable solution to the dispute.
If it is not possible to reach an amicable solution to the dispute, the relevant
the courts of the Slovak Republic are local and materially competent for the adjudication of disputes according to the legal order of the Slovak Republic
5. The contracting parties may adjust their mutual rights and obligations in the contract in deviations from
GTC. In case of contradictions between the contractual arrangement and the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions, it applies
contractual adjustment.
6. Should any provision of the General Terms and Conditions become invalid or ineffective, this shall not apply
the fact affects the validity and effectiveness of all other provisions of the General Terms and Conditions.
7. The warranty conditions are published as a separate document in the e-shop mobile application.
8. The seller reserves the right to change these GTC.